Wednesday, January 03, 2007


The Gerald R. Ford funeral ceremonies concluded today. All of them understated the magnitude of the man and what he did during his short term in office: uniting the country after the Nixon storm wreaked damage. It has been gratifying to see political opponents come together to give kind words and oratory regarding his personal and political life. Jimmy Carter almost broke down with his concluding remarks, "I want to thank my predecessor for all he did to heal our land." Teddy Kennedy reportedly said at one time he was wrong for criticizing Ford when he pardoned Nixon. Some Presidents appear better in retrospect. Ford owns membership in that club. He endears with statements like this, "I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln."

I spent a bit of time in my shop today where it has been several months since I last worked. It has shelves full of several unfinished projects; even my annual Christmas carvings got neglected. Never fear, dear blog, for I shall return. This is not the first time my creative energy has gone on hiatus.

Much of our time now is directed towards our soon-to-be Texas trip, i.e. packing, banking, mail stop, etc. I wonder if I'll come back with a suntan.