Thursday, November 09, 2006

Master Sophist

One of the great sophists in history resigned his position yesterday - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. He fits well the definition of a person practicing clever, specious reasoning. Specious because his arguments seemed to be good, sound, correct, logical, etc. without really being so. I've lost track of how many competent generals retired or were forced to bite their tongue so as not to publicly take issue with him. I still think of Colin Powell's resignation as Secretary of State, an action that smacked of his disgust with the thinly disguised in-fighting with Rumsfeld.

Many's the time Rumsfeld stood at a podium and laid out his arguments for Iraqi strategy and tactics. Cowed reporters phrased their questions so as not to ruffle his temper. Everyone seemed to be highly intimidated by the man. We knew a monumental problem existed when retired generals who no longer had need to fear began calling for his resignation. Recently a major armed services publication called for him to resign. And with the election ... the citizenry demanded change.

He'll retire like any deposed person, probably continue to practice his sophistry in a book of memoir, and make a pile of money from it. Meanwhile, three thousand military personnel have died over there, and the consensus taking form seems to say it was all a mistake.