Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Up to Minot

I drove a state car up to Minot today, Tuesday, with my old rider.  She needed to go to the local office up there, and since it's worth a few bucks,  away we went.  I;m amazed at the number of wind towers sprouting up on this side of Minot.  I can't hazard a guess because of the rolling ground, there's always more on the other side of a hill.  They must number in the hundreds.  I wondered how I would like living in the midst of them, like some people do.  They sure ruin a nice view of the natural landscape.  That city is busy like any of those in the oil patch, go, go, go.  As I had lots of time to kill, I took along my laptop and a book I'm reviewing for the Bismarck Tribune - Murdering Indians.

The story is one I know something about from working with the Wm Wade book.  Wade's wife helped prepare the slain bodies of the Spicer family.  I got to know a living relative from Linton who edited a book of all the newspaper articles he could find regarding the murders and the subsequent lynching of three Indians.  The book I'm reviewing really stands on the shoulders of the Linton resident and all his work.

The mail brought me another shipment of books to review from my editor in Santa Fe.  A couple of them look pretty good.  I should work more hours each day to get done the things I want done, but I like my Lazy Boy time, too. 

In my journeys through books I run into some pretty good stories like the one about the boy who twisted the mule's tail.  They say he doesn't look so good anymore, but he's a helluva lot smarter.