Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The picture is of the railroad bridge between Mandan and Bismarck taken from a boat in the river.  Note the iron ice-breaker on the right side of the pillar.  This piling is said to be the original.
We had a busy week, the way we like them.  Last Thursday we took an OLLI field trip to Fort Abraham Lincoln.  To get there, we rode the five-miles in an open trolley car.  With low temperatures and gusty winds but enough clothing, we arrived to tour Custer's house, then down to the Indian village.  We've been there a few times before, but it is always fun.
We attended the Governor's History Conference on Friday night and all day Saturday.  One of the Little Rock nine attended to give the keynote address.  On Friday evening we watched a film about Judge Ronald Davies, the North Dakota judge who was called to Arkansas to adjudicate the problem of getting the black students enrolled in high school.  Quite an impressive man.  I asked one retired judge here if he knew Davies.  He did, and agreed that he was tough and no-nonsense.
On Sunday we drove to Washburn to attend their open house of the new and improved Lewis & Clark Museum.  It was free so we decided to take advantage of that fact.  It's a nice facility and the parking lot had lots of out-of-state license plates.
There's a big day coming on Saturday - wild horse sale in Wishek.  I plan to attend and take pictures and see if I can't get a story to write out of the event.  The Western Writers of America might like it. There's a pushback on the sale.  The Nokota horse people say the wild horses are no different than domestic horses; that they have the true wild horses.  A letter to the editor in the Tribune claimed the Theodore Roosevelt Park, the wild horse experts, and the Wishek sales ring are having a big party at the horse's expense.
A couple of months ago Mary and I were asked to come to the BSC campus and sit for a promotional video being made for the Osher Institute.  We did and thought they might use a bit of our remarks, but they did more than that.  Check it out.  Search uofnorthdakota.  When at their website search for recent videos and click on "What is OLLI?"  It's about eight minutes long, and we appear three different times.
My old buddy sends me an Ole and Lena joke occasionally, and this is the latest:

Government surveyors came to Ole's farm in the fall and asked if they could
do some surveying. Ole agreed, and Lena even served them a nice meal at noon

The next spring, the two surveyors stopped by and told Ole, "Because you
were so kind to us, we wanted to give you this bad news in person instead of
by letter."

Ole replied, "What's the bad news?"

The surveyors stated, "Well, after our work here, we discovered your farm is
not in Minnesota but is actually in Wisconsin!"

Ole looked at them and said, "That's the best news I have heard in a long
time. I just told Lena this morning that I don't think I can take another
winter in Minnesota."
I'm taking a week off so there will be no blog "Miscellaneous Musings" next week.