Saturday, August 24, 2013

The West

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
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Where else but on the sundown side of the Missouri River would you find a street sign saying "Wolfsong Loop?"

I'm writing this in Fargo in the home of Clint's family. Clint is at work while the kids' mother travels to the country of Latvia to serve as an event team doctor for an ice skating competition. Clint and the kids will travel to meet her later this week and then tour a couple Scandinavian countries as well.

Whenever I get over here to Fargo, I can't help but think of all the rich farmland being covered up by concrete and asphalt. It'll never be reclaimed. Maybe someday wheat will be grown in roadside ditches and front lawns of all these houses and businesses so we have enough to eat. 

With all the hot weather we are having, it doesn't feel a lot different than the temps I experienced in June in Las Vegas. Besides, we get a lot more humidity with our heat than they do down there.

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It didn't take me long to decide I agreed with this statement made by an unknown author: "Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading."  That business in Syria is troubling.  The President is being pressured by some to get more fully involved, but I don't think we can stand another military action.  I am not looking forward to another war!  Pacifist I'm not, but this does not appeal to me.

I'm back in Mandan now, and the lead story on the morning show is Syria.  The war drums are a'pounding.  Of course the Miley Cyrus story will be covered, too.