The Department of Labor states Labor Day "is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."
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We traveled to Lisbon again yesterday to visit my mother. While we sat there the RFD network played on her TV a program featuring a man in a wheelchair who was a horse-whisperer. He was working with a two-year old stallion and got some amazing desired reactions from the horse. When the program finished I asked Ma if she ever rode horse. "Oh, yes, herding cows. We had a pony named Tommy. That's all I did in the summer, herd cows and watch kids." She was the oldest girl in the family and baby-sitting duties passed to her while Grandma worked at other chores.
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A good TV show ran last night: A Steven Spielberg production of Into the West on the AMC channel. It was the first of a six-part series. I couldn't help finding myself in the past with one scene in the Indian camp. As I watched I thought, I, too, have washed myself in the smoke of a smudge pot and smoked the pipe as it passed around the circle. It seems so long ago.
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A good response of orders for my book Paha Sapa Tawoyake: Wade's Stories came in this past week. That was the easy part. Now I have to get out and push, but I have contacts with several organizations and think many more will sell. To repeat the ordering information - the book costs $10 plus .60 sales tax for in-state residents and $3 shipping. My phone 701-667-1071; my address 1404 12th Ave SE, Mandan, ND 58554; my email