Friday, February 17, 2012

Ma's Birthday

Today, February 17, is my mother's birthday. She is 92 and was born in 1920. The picture above may or may not be posed, but I suspect she and her brother were actually doing some kind of chore with the team of horses. From stories all that generation tell, when they got to be the age of them in the picture, they had to start working. For some reason, I told people she would be 93, but when I mentioned it to her I was darn-well corrected, "No, I was born in 1920!" I need to be forgiven for little mistakes like that since I just turned 70 myself.

In 1920 the world was trying to right itself after being upset by World War I. Some of the stories from that year: The Yankees purchased Babe Ruth from the Red Sox for $125,000 - The League of Nations was established. - Silver was $1.37 an ounce. - The 18th Amendment providing for prohibition went into effect. - Baseball outlawed all pitches involving tampering with the ball. - The Panama Canal opened. - Babe Ruth set a home run record with 54. - Pancho Villa surrenders. - The 19th Amendment establishing women's rights enacted. - U.S. Airmail service began. - Man O' War won his last race. - Warren Harding was elected president. - Enrico Caruso gave his last performance. - Bob Hope became an American citizen.

We visited my mother on Wednesday. We were told by some at the funeral we attended that they were going to visit with her today so she will not be alone. So we will go down that road again in about three weeks to make another visit.