Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Health Care

In regards to the current health insurance debate I suspected all along that something like the following was the case . My local paper yesterday carried a political cartoon where a patient wearing a tee shirt emblazoned with “No Gov’t Healthcare” sat in a doctor’s office with his mouth wide open saying “aaaahhh” and the doctor says “All that yelling and screaming at town hall meetings has damaged your throat!” The second panel shows the patient asking, “So, will my Medicare cover it?”

A few days ago another similar episode occurred where a placard reading “Keep your government hands off my Medicare” was spotted in a crowd. Bill Maher, a clever commentator on current events said, “That’s a bit like driving a thousand miles on a highway to protest road construction.”

I don’t know what health care reform will look like when it’s over, but I do wish that people would study the issue and try to think it through a bit before shooting their mouths off. They make themselves look stupid. I heard one guy tell an interviewer that he doesn’t get his news from regular network newsmen; he doesn’t trust them; instead he listens to the Fox network. (?!%@#)

For awhile the kooks were saying, “Don’t pull the plug on Grannie!” Talk about sound bites. I’m just glad I qualify for Medicare. It takes a lot of stress off from the budget. So long.