Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where'd 50 Years Go?

A few days ago one of my old classmates suggested we should start thinking about celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of our high school graduation in 2010. A reunion would be a great time, and if it can be organized, I will be in attendance. I got to thinking how fast these forty-nine years have passed by and all that has transpired.

When we graduated in 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower sat in the Oval Office. Since then ten others have been elected, one being assassinated, one resigning in disgrace, and a couple more who probably should have.

It’s hard to count the number of wars we’ve fought in, but Vietnam ranks as the toughest one, evidenced by the black wall with the names of over 50,000 dead inscribed on it. We’ve gone to Iraq twice, Bosnia once, and now Afghanistan. Our forces have also been involved in little skirmishes in South America and Africa and have gotten our noses bloodied by Castro in the Cuba Bay of Pigs fiasco. And I still remember getting the daylights scared out of me when Kennedy and Khrushchev faced off with atomic missiles pointing at each other over another Cuban matter.

Periods of prosperity come and go, and now we are facing a serious downturn of the economy. On a personal note, I’ve reached the age where I have retired and, thankfully, did not stick too much of my savings into stocks in spite of those around me who kept bragging about how much money they were making in the market. (He who laughs last laughs best?) I have married one woman, raised one family, built one new home, bought a few cars, and could never figure out what people were doing who were building all the large mansions. It turns out they didn’t know either since they have to figure out how to pay for them in this economy. Well, that’s enough of a blog for now, but that’s where I stand.