Friday, July 20, 2007

Happenings Around Here

Happenings Around Here

Things were hopping around here Tuesday night! Our yard was one of the featured gardens for tours in the month of July, an event sponsored by the Bis-Man Garden Club. Mary belongs to that club; I’ve seen the membership list which has about 250 names on it. The evening started off slowly with one or two people coming through, but as time went on the numbers grew to a sizable crowd which also included neighbors not belonging to the club who dropped in to find what the commotion was all about. We found out from more than one source that word started circulating among the membership that Mary’s yard was one that could not be missed. The word was "Be sure to see Mary Bueling’s in Mandan if you don’t go to any others." She modestly accepted all the compliments that were handed to her as if there was nothing to it. It seems to me she raised the standard. I refused to take any credit for the beauty she has created. I only admitted to mowing the grass. And, of course, more flower beds being planned for next season means I’ll have even less grass to mow.
Ever since I hooked up with my wife over 33 years ago I’ve been driving by a site just south of Mandan on Highway 6 that I have been curious about: the Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, USDA. They held an open house yesterday called "Friends and Neighbors Day," so we went on over, lured somewhat by their promise of free supper and entertainment. I was somewhat surprised by the enormous undertaking it represents. I thought maybe three or four people ran the place. Nope, there are 34 full-time employees plus many who work part-time or seasonally. Crops, livestock, tree plantings, landscaping, etc. make up part of their studies. This emplacement is one of three in North Dakota. I hope they do some good. There is a tremendous payroll out there. Your tax dollars at work.