Monday, February 12, 2007


The clergyman at the church I attended Sunday asked the question "What is happiness?" He went on to read several examples proffered by various individuals, and in conclusion he defined happiness in accord with religious principles, something which I don't even remember now. But it is a provocative question and makes me try to define what I think happiness is. After debating this with myself for awhile I can verbalize what makes me happy. Happiness is possessing the emotional freedom to enjoy the moment. Everyone desires nirvana, and I'm probably closer to it now than at any other time in my life.

Happiness is a mighty elusive animal. It prowls around dark corners and hides in caves daring us to bag it in the always-open hunting season. When on the hunt I sometimes spotted it slinking along the far hill named Weekend, often times camouflaged on the one called Next Summer, and always well-hidden on the cloudy summit of Retirement. Wishing my life away by always looking to the future never provided the intended results. Now I've climbed Tomorrow. I'm a senior citizen. As of the first of this month I became a card-carrying Medicare recipient, and on the fifteenth I will turn 65 years old. Luckily, I have been freed from many fetters, and the view from this hilltop is great!
Slogan seen on a t-shirt: Lutefisk - the piece of cod that passeth all understanding.